challenges to democracy
Intext Question
Textbook Page No. 103
Q.1 Each of these cartoons (see text book page 103) represents a challenge to democracy. Please describe what that challenge is. Also place it in one of the three categories mentioned in the first section.
Cartoon Mubarak Re- elected : This represents the influence of the rich and powerful people on the election the basic procedure of democracy.
Challenge – Deepening of democracy.
Cartoon Seeing the democracy : This represents the existence of non- democratic regimes in the world. If tries to show that democracy does not come by the use of bullet.
Challenge : Foundational challenge.
Cartoon Liberal Gender Equality : This represents that in principle, we talk about gender equality, but in practice male dominancy is observed in democracy.
Challenge – Challenge of expansion.
Cartoon Campaign Money : This represents how is money used to influence decision making in democracy by the rich and powerful people.
Challenge – Deepening of democracy.
Intext Question
Textbook Page no. 104-105 Table : Page 67
Intext Question
Textbook Page No. 106
Q.2 Now that you have noted down all these challenges, let us group these together into some broad categories. Given below are some spheres or sites of democratic politics. You may place against each of these the specific challenges that you noted for one or more countries or cartoons in the Previous section. In addition to that write one item for India for each of these spheres. In case you find some challenges that do not fit into any of the categories given below, you can create new categories and put some items under that.
Intext Question
Textbook Page No. 107
Q.3 Let us group these again, this time by the nature of these challenges as per the classification suggested in the first section. For each of these categories, find at least one example from India as well.
Intext Question
Q.4 Now let us think only about India. Think of all the challenges that democracy faces in contemporary India. List those five that should be addressed first of all. The listing should be in order of priority, i.e., the number 1, and so on. Give one example of that challenge and your reasons for assigning it the priority.
Q.5 Here are some challenges that require political reforms . Discuss these challenges in detail study the reform options offered here and give your preferred solution with reasons. Remember that none of the options offered here is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. You can opt for a mix of more than one option, or come up with something that is not offered here. But you must give your solution in details and offer reasons for your choice.
I shall go with the following reform proposals regarding Doctor’s absenteeism:
The government should make it compulsory for the doctor to live in the villages where they are posted. But they must be provided the facilities like clean and well ventilated houses with electric supply and the provision of clean water. There must be appropriates schooling system for their children. Means of communication should be there in the villages. Examinations machines for the diagnosis of the diseases should be provided in each health centre in the villages. Adequate medicines must be supplied to health centres so that the doctors can make available to the patients.
Reasons : Doctors usually say no their posting in rural areas due unavailability of facilities. If the doctors and the liealthcentres are provided the facilities mentioned above than they must be completed to live in the rural area to take care of the villagers.
Village Panchayat should be given the power to write the annual report of the doctor which should be read out in the gram sabha meeting.
Reasons : Village Panchayat is able to check the presence of doctors everyday in the health centre. It can also assess over all treatment system available to the patients.
District administration should also carry out surprise raids to check attendance of the doctors.
Reasons : It will make the doctors responsible to their duty. Also , they will work properly and stay in the hospitals due to probable actions taken by the district administrators for the doctors absenteeism.
I shall go with the following reform proposals regarding Political funding :
There should be state funding of elections.
Reasons: State funding will reduce the dependence of the political parties as well as candidates on the donations provided by the businessmen to fulfill their demands.
There must be silence mode of convasing without wide use fo banners and leaflets during elections. Each candidate must be directed to make his/her identity by visiting door to door /village to village and give his/her plan of action he/she wishes to be elected.
Reasons : The silence mode of canvasing will automatically reduce the expense and open a way to relate the candidates and the electorates directly.
Q.2 Any other problem of your choice.
Challenge: Generally, it has been observed that the teachers in colleges run their private tuition or coaching centres. As and when their class is over, they leave the college and invest their time in earning money. If students had to take suggestions, concerned teachers were not available. Not only this, instead of teaching them well in the class, they suggest students to join their coaching classes. This had led to a tendency among the students to bunk their classes. This has greatly affected the quality of education.
Reform proposals:
1. Government should make it compulsory for the teachers to stay in the colleges till these are closed for that day.
2. The university officials should carry surprise raids to check the teachers attendance and if found absent during their classes, they should be heavily penalized.
3. There should be a provision of ‘Best Teacher’s Award’. The students will select one teacher from each subject, every year from their colleges. The teacher who gets three such awards, should be given special incentive.
Intext Question
Textbook Page No. 112
Here is your space for writing your own definition of good democracy.
(Write your name here) XYZ ‘s definition of good democracy (not more than 50 words) :
A good democracy is one in which the rulers elected by the people take major decisions under the framework of the Constitution of fulfill the wishes of the people, but if they do not withstand their expectations, people can call them back.
Features (use only as many points as you want. Try to compress it in as few points as possible).
1. Democracy should reduce differences, giving full respect to these.
2. People should have the right to call their representatives back before time, if they do not perform.
3. Once found guilty, people should be banned from contensting elections.
4. Democracy should take care of socio- economic matters equally and find out means to minimize economic inequality among citizens.
5. Democracy should provide sufficient representation of the minority and disadvantaged classes.
6. In a good democracy, the elected leaders should follow certain moral principles, which form an ideal for the rest of the society.
Additional Questions
Q.1 What do you mean by ‘challenges’?
(i) A challenge is a difficulty that it carries within it.
(ii) A challenge is not just any problem.
(iii) We usually call only those diffi-culties a ‘challenge’ which are significant and which can be overcome.
Once we can overcome a challenge , we can go up to a higher level than before.
Q.2 What are the major categories of challenges that a democracy faces?
There are three major categories of challenges that a democracy faces –
1. Foundational challenge
2. Challenge of expansion
3. Challenge of deepening of democracy.
Q.3 Mention the foundational challenges that democracies are facing today.
The foundational challenges faced by democracies include:
1. Bringing down the existing non- democratic regimes.
2. Keeping military away from controlling government.
3. Establishing a sovereign and functional state.
Q.4 Discuss the challenges of expansion faced by democracies all over the world.
The challenges of expansion involve –
1. Applying the basic principles of democratic government across all the regions, different social groups and various institutions.
2. Ensuring greater power to local governments, extension of federal principles to all the units of federation and inclusion of women and minority groups.
Q.5 What are the challenges of deepening of democracy? Why does this challenge take different meanings and path in different parts of the world?
(i) The challenges of deepening of democracy involve :
(a) Strengthening of the institutions and practices of democracy.
This should happen in such a way that the people can relaise their expectations of democracy.
(b) Strengthening those institutions that help people’s participation and control.
This requires an attempt to bring down the control and influence of the rich and powerful people on decision making.
(ii) Ordinary people have different expectations from democracy in different societies. Therefore , this challenge takes different meanings and path in different parts of the world.
outcomes of democracy
Intext Questions
Textbook Page No. 91
Q.1 Can you think of what and how the government knows about you and your family (for example ration cards and voter identity cards)?
The government knows about me and our family through the following ways:
1. Every ten years, the government conducts census. In this census, there is records of each adult member of the family along with his /her sex, age and education.
2. There is a provision of registering birth, marriage and death of the family members with the government institutions.
Q.2 What are the sources of information for you about the government?
The sources of information for us about the government are as follows L:
1. Right to information. Each and every citizen has the right to know about the polices and plan of the government and also its working, structure etc.
2. Political leaders either local or national are the main sources information to the common people. They make them aware of the polices and decisions taken by the government.
Textbook Page No. 93
Q.3 Cartoon on this page and next three pages tell us about the disparities between the rich and poor. Should the gains of economic growth be evenly distributed? How can the poor get a voice for a better share in a nation? What can the poor countries do to receive a greater share in the world’s wealth?
(i) Of course, the gains of economic growth should be equally distributed among the citizens so as to make an economically even society. Also this would be as per one of the basis causes of democracy i.e., economic justice.
(ii) It is possible only when this group is given proper representation and chances to participate in decision making.
• They should get united to fight for the cause. Only then, they will be able to get their share. At the same time, they will have to take initiatives to strengthen their internal democracy and exploit their own available natural resources.
Intext Question
Textbook Page No. 94
Q.4 What would be your verdict on democracy if you had to base it purely on economic performance of democratic regimes in terms of growth and equal distribution?
(i) If we base our verdict on economic performance of democratic regimes, we see that dictatorial regimes have performed much better in last 50 years. The democratic regimes witnessed 3.95 per cent growth rate on an average while the dictatorial regimes 4.42 per cent.
To our surprise the poor countries under democracy have obtained a better growth rate (4.28 per cent) than all democratic regimes (3.95 per cent). Overall, there is not much difference between the two forms of government so far as economic growth rate is concerned.
The same is true with regard to distribution of national income. For most countries top 20 per cent of their population fetch more than 50 per cent of national income while bottom 20 per cent people have less than 10 per cent share in national income. This shows deep unequal distribution of national income.
(ii) But, democracy has many other positive things that lack in dictatorship or other regimes, so I will go with democracy.
Intext Question
Textbook Page No. 95
Q.5 Democracy is a rule of the majority. The poors are in majority. So democracy must be a rule of the poor. How can this not be the case?
(i) Democracy is a rule of the majority means that rule by majority views.
(ii) Rule by majority does not mean rule by majority in terms of religion, race, linguistic groups, poors or rich.
(iii) It means that in case of every decision or in case of every election, different persons and groups may and can form majority.
• So, to say that democracy must be a rule of the poor will give rise to a further division of society on a different line and lead to conflict.
• Democracy remains democracy only as long as every citizen has a chance of being in majority at some point of time.
Intext Question
Textbook Page No. 96
Q.6 All you are saying is that democracy ensures that people do not break each other’s head. This is not harmony. Should we be happy about it?
(i) When a democracy tries to accommodate social diversity, it does not mean it ensures that people do not break each other’s head.
(ii) A democracy acts on certain prudential reasons. No society can fully and permanently resolve conflict among different groups.
• In fact, democracy teaches us to respect these differences and evolve mechanisms to negotiate them.
We should be happy that we can live together with dignity and freedom, with all our differences only when there is a democratic set up.
Let Us revise
Textbook Page No . 97
Q.7 The two image depict two different kinds of effects democratic politics can have on social divisions. Take one example for each image and write a paragraph each on the outcome of democratic politics in both situations.
(i) Democratic politics when make race, religion , caste or any other existing social division, as its base , it further divides the society and give an impetus to the conflict. This is not healthy for democracy itself.
(ii) Contrary to it, when the existing divisions are minimized through democratic means on the basis of moral and prudential reasons, it leads to the solid ration of the country. It also contributes in the development of each and every class of the society. It makes an environment where people can grow and prosper together.
Let Us Revise
Textbook Page No. 98
Q.8 The above cartoon and graph illustrates a point made in this section (Dignity and freedom of the citizens). Underline the sentences from this section which connect to the cartoon or graph.
(i) The cartoon relates to inequality that women face today all over the world. This reflects an insecurity to women’s dignity.
(ii) The graph shows that even after many complaints against it, democracy has been the most acclaimed form of government in the South Asian nations.
Q.1 How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government?
(i) Democracy produces an accountable government because it :
• Provides regular, free and fair elections.
• Carries open public debate on major public issues and legislations.
• Gives citizens the right to information about the government and its functioning .
(ii) Democracy produces a responsive government because the government is formed by the elected representatives of the people. These representatives discuss the problems of the society and make policies and programmes accordingly. To address the problems, these policies and programmes are implemented.
(iii) Democracy produces a legitimate government because it is the government of the citizens. It is the citizens who through their representatives form and run the government for themselves.
Q.2 What are the conditions under which democracies accommodate social diversities?
Following two conditions are necessary for a democracy to accommodate social diversities :
• People will have to understand that democracy is not simply the rule by majority opinion. Majority always needs to work with minority so that governments function to represent the general view.
• Majority simply means that in case of every decision or election, different persons and groups may and can form a majority. If someone is barred from being in majority on the basis of birth, then the democratic rule ceases to be accommodative for the person or group.
Q.3 Give arguments to support or oppose following assertions :
• Industrialised countries can afford democracy but the poor need dictatorship to become rich.
• Democracy can’t reduce inequality of income between different citizens.
• Government in poor countries should spend less on poverty reduction, health, education, clothing, and spend more on industries and infrastructure.
• In democracy all citizen have one vote, which means that there is absence of any domination and conflict.
However experiences show that poor countries achieved better economic growth under dictatorship, this cannot be supported at the cost of other positive aspects like freedom, dignity etc. that only democracy can provide.
People have over- expectations from democracy. For every ailment, people look towards democracy. Inequality of income may be due to various social ailments and economic conditions. So, it should not be left to democracy alone to reduce inequality of income between different citizens.
This argument is not acceptable for the reasons that even if people could not meet their basic needs then what should they expect from democracy. Contrarily, if more money is spent on health and education, people can fetch better future, because human resource is the greatest capital today.
No. In principle, they have been made equal on political footing by giving equal value to each vote but in practice there are many other factors that make one group dominant over the other. We cannot say that there is no conflict or domination in a democracy. There is a conflict of interest and domination of one group over the other, but democracy provides the means to negotiate and resolve them.
Q.4 Identify the challenges to democracy in following descriptions. Also suggest policy/institutional mechanism to deepen democracy in the given situation :
Following a High court directive a temple in Orissa that had separate entry door for Dalits and non- Dalits allowed entry for all from the same door.
A large number farmers are committing suicide in different states of India.
Following allegation of killing of three civilians in Gandwara in a fake encounter by Jammu and Kashmir police, an inquiry has been ordered.
Here people were discriminated on the basis of their birth in a particular caste or social group. This denies the democratic principle that all are equal irrespective of their birth, religion, etc.
This reflects the failure of democracy in terms of its policies and programmes. In a democracy, the government has to safeguard the interests of every social group.
This reflects that democracy has failed to secure the dignity and freedom of the people.
Following policy/institutional mechanism can deepen democracy :
• People should be promoted to respect differences between the social groups.
• People should be promoted to resolve dispute through negotiations.
• Strengthening of the local government b providing them with more powers and resources.
• People should be promoted to pay taxes so that their poor counterparts can be provided with a dignified life.
• Government should make polices regarding the discriminated and disadvantaged sections of the society.
• Institutions should be made to evaluate the implementation of various policies and programmes.
• A body should be made to evaluate the change in the state of life of disadvantaged people at a regular interval of time and report to the government. On this issue public debate should be carried from time to time.
Q.5 In the context of democracies, which of the following ideas is correct – democracies have successfully eliminated:
(a) Conflicts among people
(b) economic inequalities among people
(c) differences of opinion about how marginalized sections are to be treated
(d) the idea of political inequality.
(c) differences of opinion about how marginalized sections are to be treated
Q.6 In the context of assessing democracy which among the following is odd one out. Democracies need to ensure.
(a) free and fair elections
(b) dignity to of the individual
(c) majority rule
(d) equal treatment before law
(c) majority rule
Q.7 Studies on political and social inequalities in democracy show that
(a) democracy and development to together.
(b) inequalities exist in democracies.
(c) inequalities do not exist under dictatorship.
(d) Dictatorship is better than democracy.
(b) inequalities exist in democracies.
Q.8 Read the passage below:
Nannu is a daily wage earner. He lives in welcome mazdoor colony, a slum habitation in East Delhi. He lost his ration card and applied for a duplicate one in January 2004. He made several rounds of the local Food & Civil supplies office for the next three months. But the clerks and officials would not even look at him, leave alone do his job or bother to tell him the status of his application. Ultimately, he filed an application under the Right to information act asking for the daily progress made on his application, names of the officials, who were supposed to act on his application and what action would be taken against these officials for their inaction. Within a week of filing application under the Right to information act,he was visited by an inspector from the food department, who informed him that the card had been made and he could collect it from the office. When Nannu went to collect his card next day, he was given a very warm treatment by the food & Supply officer (FSO), who is the head of a circle. The FSO offered him tea and requested him to withdraw his application under Right to information, since his work hand already been done.
What does nannu’s example show? What impact did nannu’s action have on officials? Ask your parents their experiences when they approached government officlas to attend to their problems?
When Nannu sought resort to the Right to Information act, a report regarding the officials who had to work on it was to be provided to him. Also this entitled him to know about the actions taken against those officials who did not od their part of job. So, the officials got afraid of the actions to be taken against them and finished their job. Now they are buttering Nannu, so that he takes his application back and they can save their neck.
[Hint : To answer rest part of the question, students should ask their parents to narrate their experience when they visit government offices for some sort of problem solving.]
Additional Questions
Q.1 Why is democracy considered better than dictatorship or any other form of government ?
This is so because:
• It promotes equality among citizens.
• It enhances the dignity of the individual ;
• It improves the quality of decision making ;
• It provides a method to resolve conflicts ; and
• It allows a room to correct mistakes.
Q.2 Name any four common elements of democratic politics all over the world. How do these democracies differ from each other?
(i) Common democratic elements among countries.
• They have formal constitutions.
• They hold elections.
• They have political parties.
• They guarantee rights of citizens
(ii) Distinguishing elements :
• They differ in social situations.
• They differ in economic achievements.
• They differ in their culture.
Q.3 Sometimes we expect everything or anything from democracy and if these expectations are not met, we blame democracy. What should be the prudential thinking about the outcomes of democracy?
(i) We should recognize that democracy is just a form of government. It can only create conditions for achieving something.
(ii) We have to take advantage of these conditions and achieve our goals.
• Democracy is just not related to many other things that we value.
• Democracy is not a magical remedy for all our social ailments.
political parties
Intext Question
Textbook Page No. 74
Q.1 Okay, granted that we can’t live without political parties. But tell me how do we live with the kind of political parties we have?
There is nothing wrong with any of the political parties. It is we people who have everything in our hands in a democracy. So, if we are right in our thought and action, the parties will have to work accordingly. They simply represent what we are. They also come from our society. Even if they do not work rightly, remember, we have ballots in our hands which give them life.
Let Us Revise
Textbook Page No. 75
Q.2 Categories these photographs by the functions of political parties they illustrate. Find one photograph or news clipping from your own area for each of the functions listed above.
(i) Left: Playing the role of opposition.
(ii) Top(Right): Implementation of policies and programmes.
(iii) Bottom (Right): Contesting elections.
[Hint: Students find themselves the photograph related to the above functions from their respective areas]
Textbook Page No. 76
Q.3 Kishenji is no more. What would be your advice to these four activists? Should they form a new political party? Can a political party become a moral forcein politics? What should that party be like?
(i) These activists should move ahead with the idea of formation of a new political party. It is obvious that initially they will not gain popular support, but if they continue to put moral force in their party, very soon they with win faith of the people. It is only then they can doany thing good for the society, which is the urgent need of today’s politics.
(ii) Yes, of course.
(iii) Yes. It can do so by translating its promises into actions. Once the party does so, very soon it will gain popular support.
• That party should focus on the immediate problems of the people. The party should select only those candidates who are willing to serve the society in the true sense. The candidates should come from the locality and should have an idea of the common problems of that locality. Even if this party does not with enough seats to form a government it can act as a strong opposition or pressure group.
Let Us Revise
Textbook Page No. 77
Q.4 Let us apply what we have learnt about party systems to the various states within India. Here are three major types of party systems that exist at the state level. Can you find the names of at least two states for each of these types :
Two- party system
Multi- party system with two alliances
Multi – party system
(i) Two- party system : Rajasthan, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh.
(ii) Multi- party system with two alliances : Maharashtra, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, West Bengal.
(iii) Multi- party system : Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu.
Intext Question
Textbook Page No. 79
Q.5 Does the cartoonist reflect the data graphics shown in the previous page?
Intext Question
Textbook Page No. 83
Q.6 Why don’t parties give enough tickets to women? Is that also due to lack of internal democracy?
(i) We all know about the patriarchal mentality of most of the India society. Men always tend to use authority and politics is not an exception. If the parties give tickets to women, steadily the power will go into their hands, which the Indian mentality is still not ready to accept.
(ii) Yes, this is an example of lack of internal democracy.
At least one- third of the seats, for which the party is contesting, should be allocated to the women.
Let Us Revise
Textbook Page No. 85
Q.7 Most cartoons caricature politicians. From the cartoons (on page 83 to 85), can you identify which of the challenges described in this section is being highlighted in these cartoons. They relate to Italy, US, and India.
The cartoons highlight the challenge of the frequent use of money and muscle power in politics faced by the political parties.
Intext Question
Textbook Page No. 86
Q.8 Do you agree that this form of reforming political parties will be acceptable to them?
We hope so, because this is good not only for them but also for the democracy. After all, they all are meant for strengthening the democracy. They also feel the need for reformation. A fair politics, we think, will be appreciated by all the parties usually.
Q.9 State the various functions political parties perform in a democracy.
Following are the major functions performed by political parties :
• They contest elections.
• They put forward different policies and programmes among which the voters
• They play a decisive role in making laws for the country.
• They play the role of opposition.
• They from and run the government.
• They shape public opinion.
• They provide people access to government machinery and welfare schemes.
Q.10 What are the various challenges faced by political parties?
(i) The parties are lacking internal democracy, which keeps many prospective leaders deprived of their rights.
(ii) There has been dynastic successions in the political parties. This keeps the parties deprived of apt leadership.
(iii) The parties are indulged in the use of money and muscle power for winning elections. This hampers the democracy from developing and lessens the importance of genuine leaders within the party.
(iv) The parties have almost common ideologies, so there is lack of meaningful choices before the voters.
Q.3 Suggest some reforms to strengthen parties so that they perform their functions well.
(i) Laws should be made to regulate the internal affairs of parties. They should follow their constitution.
(ii) They should have one- third seats reserved for women candidates at every level in the organization.
(iii) There should be state funding of elections.
(iv) The people should put pressure on political parties through petitions, publicity and agitations.
(v) Last but not least is that parties can improve if those who want this join political parties.
Q.4 What is a political party?
A political party is a group of people who come together to contest elections, and form and run government by holding power in the government.
Q.5 What are the characteristics of a political party?
Following are the characteristics of a political party:
• It is a group of people coming together to contest elections and share power.
• It agrees on some policies and programmes for the society with a view to promote collective good.
• It seeks to implement these policies by winning popular support through-
• It reflects a fundamental political division of the society.
• It is known by which part it stands for which policies it supports and whose interest it upholds.
Q.6 A group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government is called a _________.
Political party.
Q.7 Match List I (organizations and struggles) with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
(c) C, A, D, B.
Q.8 Who among the following is the founder of the BahujanSamj Party?
(a) Kanshi Ram
(b) SahuMahraj
(c) B. R. Ambedkar
(d) JotibaPhule
(a) Kanshi Ram
Q.9 What is the guiding philosophy of the BhartiyaJanata Party?
(a) BahujanSamaj
(b) Revolutionary democracy
(c) Integral Humanism
(d) Modernity
(b) Revolutionary Democracy.
Q.10 Consider the following statements on parties :
1. Political parties do not enjoy much trust among the people.
2. Parties are often rocked by scandals involving top party leaders.
3. Parties are not necessary to run governments.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) A, B and C
(b) A and B
(c) B and C
(d) A and C
(b) A and B
Q.11 Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
Muhammad Yunus is a famous economist of Bangladesh. He received several international honours for his efforts to promote economic and social development for the benefit of the poor. He and the Grameen Bank he started jointly, received the Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2006. In February 2007, he decided to launch a political party and contest in t parliamentary elections. His objective was to foster proper leadership, good governance and build a new Bangladesh. He felt that only a political party different from the traditional ones would bring about new political culture. His party would be democratic from the grassroots level.
The launching of the new party, called Nagarik Shakti (Citizen’s Power) has caused stir among the Bangladeshis. While many welcomed his decision, some did not like it.“Now I think Bangladesh will have a chance to choose between good and bad and eventually have a good government,” said Shahedual Islam, a government official. “That government, we hope, would not only keep itself away from corruption but also make fighting corruption and lack money a top priority.”
But leaders of traditional political parties who dominated the country’s politics for decades were apprehensive. “There was no debate (over him) winning the Nobel, but politics is different – very challenging and often controversial,” said a senior leader of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. Some others were highly critical. They asked why he was rushing politics. “Is he being planted in politics by mentors from outside the country,” asked one political observer.
Do you think Yunus made a right decision to float a new political party?
Do you agree with the statements and fears expressed by various people? How do you want this new party organised to make it different from other parties? If you were the one to begin this political party how would you defend it?
(i) Yes, Yunus’s decision to float a new political party I sright and appreciable.
(ii) I agree with the statement of the government official, Shahedul Islam that the launch of this new party may change the political culture of the country. But I don’t agree with the fear of t senior leader of Bangladesh Nationalist party.
(iii) (a) It should be democratic from very grassroots level.
(b) It should have equal place for rich and poor, men and women, educated and non- educated, rural and uraban people without any discrimination.
(c) It should draft policies which keep the society integrated and take the country towards development.
(iv) (a) The floating of such a party is necessary because the existing parties have moved away from carrying their democratic responsibilities.
(b) Instead of strengthening democracy, they are just taking it as means to amass wealth.
(c) This party is being launched to foster proper leadership, good governance and build a new Bangladesh.
(d) It is going to bring about a totally new political culture, more democratic and more transparent.
Additional Questions
Q.1 What do you mean by political parties?
(i) A political party is a group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government.
(ii) They agree on some policies and programmes for the society with a view to promote the collective good.
Q.2 What is the general view of the people about the political parties?
(i) Most people tend to be very critical of political parties.
(ii) They tend to blame political parties for all that is wrong with our democracy and our political life.
Q.3 What is a political party known by ?
A political party is known by:
• Which part of the society it stands for
• Which policies it supports, and
• Whose interests it upholds.
Q.4 What are the components of a political party?
A political party has following three components :
• The leaders,
• The active members and
• The followers.
Q.5 Write any four functions of the political parties.
(i) It puts forwards different policies and programmes for the society.
(ii) It plays a decisive role in making laws for the country.
(iii) Parties from and un government
(iv) They play the role of opposition to those in power.
• They shape public opinion.
• They provide people access to government machinery and welfare schemes implemented by the government.
Q.6 How do the political parties put forward different policies and programmes?
(i) In a democracy, there is a large number of similar opinions. Government needs to evolve a policy out of these. This work is done by the parties.
(ii) It reduces a vast multitude of opinions into a few basis positions which it supports. Governement makes it policy based on the line taken by the ruling party.
Q.7 How can you say that parties form and run the government? Explain.
(i) The party which wins majority of the seats in the elections is invited to form the government.
(ii) In government, big decisions are taken by the political exceutives who come from the ruling party.
(iii) Parties recruit leaders, train them and then make them minister to run the government.
Q.8 How do political parties shape public opinion?
(i) Political parties have lakhs of members and activists spread all over the country. The parties raise and highlights issues among them.
(ii) Parties sometimes also launch movement for the resolution of problems faced by the people. Often opinions in the society crystallise on the lines parties takes.
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